W - Unit 12 - A2

How to Write a Summary Paragraph

Writing a summary paragraph involves concisely presenting the main ideas or points of a text or discussion. The goal is to capture the essence of the content in a clear and succinct manner. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you write an effective summary paragraph:

1. Read and Understand the Original Content

  • Purpose: Ensure you thoroughly understand the material you are summarizing.
  • Tips: Take notes on the main points and key details.

2. Identify the Main Ideas

  • Purpose: Focus on the core concepts and important information.
  • Tips: Look for the thesis or main argument, and note the major supporting points.

3. Write a Topic Sentence

  • Purpose: Introduce the main idea of the summary.
  • Tips: The topic sentence should convey the overall essence of the original content.
    • Example: "The article discusses the impact of renewable energy sources on reducing global carbon emissions."

4. Present the Key Points

  • Purpose: Summarize the main points or arguments of the original text.
  • Tips: Use your own words to rephrase the key ideas, avoiding direct quotes.
    • Example: "The author highlights several benefits of renewable energy, including its ability to lower greenhouse gas emissions and provide sustainable energy solutions."

5. Include Supporting Details (if necessary)

  • Purpose: Provide brief examples or evidence that support the main points.
  • Tips: Only include details that are crucial to understanding the main ideas.
    • Example: "The article notes that wind and solar power have seen significant technological advancements, making them more efficient and cost-effective."

6. Conclude the Summary

  • Purpose: Wrap up the summary by reinforcing the main idea or providing a final thought.
  • Tips: Avoid introducing new information or personal opinions.
    • Example: "Overall, the article emphasizes the importance of transitioning to renewable energy to combat climate change and promote environmental sustainability."

7. Revise and Edit

  • Purpose: Ensure the summary is clear, concise, and accurately represents the original content.
  • Tips: Check for clarity, coherence, and correctness in summarizing the main points.

Example Summary Paragraph

Original Text: The increasing use of renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar power, has a significant impact on reducing global carbon emissions. Renewable energy is becoming more efficient and cost-effective due to technological advancements. By reducing reliance on fossil fuels, renewable energy sources help to lower greenhouse gas emissions, combat climate change, and promote environmental sustainability.

Summary Paragraph: The article highlights the positive impact of renewable energy sources on reducing global carbon emissions. It explains that advancements in technology have made wind and solar power more efficient and cost-effective. By decreasing dependence on fossil fuels, renewable energy helps lower greenhouse gas emissions and supports efforts to combat climate change and promote sustainability.

General Tips

  • Be Concise: Focus on summarizing the main points without unnecessary details.
  • Use Your Own Words: Avoid copying phrases or sentences from the original text.
  • Maintain Objectivity: Present the information neutrally without adding personal opinions.
  • Check for Accuracy: Ensure that the summary accurately reflects the content and main ideas of the original text.

By following these steps, you can create a clear and effective summary paragraph that captures the essence of the original content.

Here are some expressions and phrases to use when writing a summary paragraph:

Introducing the Summary

  • "The text/article/report discusses..."
  • "The main focus of the [text/article] is..."
  • "This [article/document] provides an overview of..."
  • "The primary purpose of the [text] is to..."
  • "In summary, [text/article] addresses..."

Presenting Main Ideas

  • "The key points include..."
  • "The main arguments are..."
  • "The [text/article] highlights..."
  • "Central to the [text] is..."
  • "The [text] outlines the following main ideas..."

Detailing Key Points

  • "It is noted that..."
  • "The [text/article] emphasizes..."
  • "According to the [text],..."
  • "The [text] provides examples such as..."
  • "The author argues that..."

Concluding the Summary

  • "In conclusion, the [text/article] underscores..."
  • "Overall, the [text] illustrates..."
  • "To sum up, the main takeaway is..."
  • "Ultimately, the [text] conveys..."
  • "The [text] effectively demonstrates..."


Introducing the Summary:

  • "The article discusses the benefits and challenges of renewable energy sources."

Presenting Main Ideas:

  • "The main arguments presented are the environmental benefits of using renewable energy and the technological advancements that have made it more viable."

Detailing Key Points:

  • "It is noted that wind and solar power have seen significant improvements in efficiency and cost-effectiveness."

Concluding the Summary:

  • "In conclusion, the article emphasizes the importance of transitioning to renewable energy to combat climate change and promote sustainability."

General Tips:

  • Be Direct: Use straightforward phrases to present the main ideas clearly.
  • Use Neutral Language: Avoid subjective terms or opinions in the summary.
  • Be Concise: Focus on key points and avoid extraneous details.

Using these expressions and phrases will help you structure your summary paragraph effectively and convey the main points of the original content.