CEIL Groups

Batna 1 University

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Archive (22/2023)

(This section is for Batna 1 University - CEIL groups) Please select your level and your class group number then enter the class code and the password I provided you with in the classroom.

Batna 2 University

× Kindly choose your level and class group number, and then input the class code and the password you have been provided with in the classroom.

CEIL Testimonials
Keltoum Ahlam Administrator

"I really liked the flexibility of this course. It worked well with busy scheduling. However, I think that the courses were very interesting with a very realistic goals. I realised that the class notes of each chapter was very well detailed and the courses i downloaded supported what we take in class very well. The advices were very beneficial to the entire learning process. With profesional I must say that I learned so many things that I would probably never have known had I not taken this class. My favorite part of the class was towards the end when we worked through the presentations and overall speaking part . Thank you!! maybe you will see me around again next year in the following level!! Thanks again Mr Mahmoudi👏you diserve all our respect for your efforts."

Very good
Youcef Benyza University Professor

"Dear Mr. Uns I am grateful for your guidance and support throughout the stadying of A1+A2. I appreciate your passion for teaching which inspired us to learn and practice english again. Honestly I beleave that you have made a positive impact on my english level, and I am truly thankful for that. Thank you for going above and beyond to help us succeed academically using english language.. INcha'allah we will meet in next level."

Touto Kam PhD Student

"I am delighted to express that mr. Mahmoudi is undoubtedly one of the most exceptional teachers I have had the pleasure of learning from.❤️ Mr. Mahmoudi's teaching style is remarkable. He possesses a rare talent for presenting complex concepts in a simplified and engaging manner, ensuring that every student understands well... I will always be regretful to him because my English has improved a lot. He is a true inspiration and deserves all the recognition."

Sõn Dos Pharmacy Student

"بصراحة لطالما خطرت ببالي فكرة ان اكتب رسالة وداع وأردت ان انشرها في المجموعة لكن بما ان هذه الميزة متوفرة ارجو منك ان تنشرها ليقرؤوها اخشى انني لن انجح في امتحان تقييم المستوى أي انني لن ابلغ هدفي لكن هذا لايساوي شيئا امام التجربة الثرية التي حظيت بها لقد كان شرفا لي ان اتعرف بزملاء مثلكم استمتعت بوجود رجل شرطة ودكتورة في الجامعة وطالبة حقوق طالب اقتصاد دون ان ننسى المهندسة المعمارية التي تناقش اطروحتها في الدكتوراه وغيرهم الكثير الذين استفدت من خبرتهم وتجاربهم في الحياة خاصة بفضل الحوارات التي تجري في الحصة والتي فتحت المجال لسرد الاهتمامات والتعارف بيننا والتعريف بمجالاتنا كانت حصة ال presentation من افضل ماشهدت حيث عندما عمدت لتقديمها اول مرة امام صديقتي اعجبت بموضوعي واخبرتني اني ساتفاجا بأن الجميع يتحدث عن مواضيع روتينية لكنها كانت رائعة خاصة بالتنسيق مع لغة الجسد لقد فتحت امامنا حقا آفاقا جديدة لنعرف المزيد كانت فرصة سعيدة ان احظى ب أستاذ web developper استمتعت كثيرا بالواجبات المنزلية رغم انني لم اجد الوقت لانجازها خاصة الجزء المتعلق بالترجمة في النهاية انا لم اندم ابدا لاني التحقت بالقسم حتى ان لم اتمكن من الانتقال مع زملائي الى المستوى التالي اخبرني الكثير اني ساندم لاني لن استطيع التوفيق بين تعلم اللغة ودراستي لكني ارى اني اختصرت على نفسي الكثير بانضمامي للقسم اود ان اشكر الجميع على جهودهم وعلى تعاونهم لقد كان من المنعش ان اكسر روتيني بحصة في بداية الاسبوع تمنحني من الطاقة مايكفيني لاصارع الحياة حظا موفقا في الامتحان وفي حياتكم اتمنى ان تجمعنا الحياة مجددا وبعافية"


"A way of working that makes you get an idea of ​​many areas of life in addition to the English language. thank you Mr Youness"

Miloud Benabdelaziz University Professor

"Really sir, you have been an inspiring teacher for me, with all my heart I hope to see you in the best condition and the highest position, God willing."

Raouf Atia Economics Student

"Thank you so much for everything you have done throughout the year. You have been a great help in and out of the classroom. I appreciate all of your efforts to help us grow as a students and i wish u all the best ❤ "

Very good
Ghania Bou English Student

"I like the way of teaching: - the teacher was very organised and motivating - the course was very well structured In fact, he made a huge impact espacially in the most unlovelly part which is the grammar Sir, we appriciate you."

Sayrane Sayrane PhD Student

"it was a great experience and formation for B2 level, especially with the professional teacher"

Racha D-h Law Student

"It was an amazing experience in which I realized that the English language is not as simple as it seems.. And many thanks to Mr Younes for his hard work and patience with us, especially for the way he teaches the language + moving away from the traditional methods (papers). Hoping that the journey does not end here 💜🌸"

Zak Ch University Professor

"It was a good experience, with a great teacher, he gave us an opportunity to communicate with each other, he made English more easy and fun for us, He is really a person who inspired me a lot ."

Ģhedìrì Ďhiaa Edine Economics Student

"It was a supercalifragilisticexapialudociious experience with our monitor mr. youness we were as a family we were have no fear to talk and to give our own point of view we shared good moment together i wish we meet up together next year"

Very good
Malak Beh Social Sciences Student

"It was a very nice experience this year, and I had the honor of being one of Mr. Mahmoudi's students. I would like to thank him for all the efforts he made for us and the valuable advice he gave us. Thank you, Mr. Mahmoudi, and I wish you continued success in your life."

Rayane Ben Economics Student

"Best teacher ever, u just have to study"

Hadil Khouaoua Economics Student


Souna Susan Employee

"Excellent experience with a great teacher"

Very Good
Youcef Youcef Sociology Studnet

"It was an excellent experience and I learned a lot from it..I Wish you all the best."

Soumia Boussaha University Professor

"Firstly, I would like to express my sincere appreciation for your outstanding teaching skills. Your lessons were well-structured, engaging, and informative. I learned a lot from you, and your teaching style made the learning process enjoyable and effective. Additionally, I appreciate the effort you put into creating a positive and inclusive learning environment. You were always patient, supportive, and encouraging, which helped me to build my confidence in speaking English. Overall, I rate your teaching skills as excellent. You were able to provide clear explanations of complex grammar concepts, and your use of real-life examples and interactive activities helped me to grasp the material easily. I would highly recommend you to anyone looking for an English teacher on this platform. Thank you again for your excellent teaching and for helping me to improve my English skills. It was a pleasure learning from you, and I wish you all the best in your future endeavors."

Hadil Rbh Food Safety Studnet

"First of all I want to thank you sir for being an exceptional English teacher .You managed to create an engaging and interactive environment that encouraged active participation from all students. I appreciated your ability to explain complex grammar rules and concepts in a way that was easy to understand.thanks again sir"

Assma Halima Psychologist

"Thank you so much for the time and effort you spent on teaching us. you have been so nice with us the entire time and we learned so much from your class. I wish you a happy life and thank you for teaching us and for making English so easy like piece of cake thank you. I wish you all the best and more success."

Géo Dila PhD Student

"Mr Mahmoudi is the best teacher ever. I appreciate all his efforts in teaching us. He makes learning fun and engaging. He helps us to talk and express our opinion confidently. he is also passionate and resolute. moreover, he never hesitate to help or advise us in various disciplines. I'm really grateful to shaping me into who I am now and I'm looking for more learning and tutorial from him. At the end, I would recommend anyone who would like to use English by professor Younes MAHMOUDI."

Tu Ba Science Student

"I learned a lot of information. Thank you"


General English

This course covers all aspects of the language including:



Everyday English

Language skills

Communicative English

This course applies communication approach with which you will be able to speak up and use your English without fear.

Communication Practice

This service is the best if you are busy because now you can practice real life verbal communication with our qualified teachers whenever you're available. Improve your speaking and listening skills.

Academic English (EAP)

This course is well needed by students and professionals in their workplace and universities. It provides discipline-specific vocabulary and grammar.

Business English (BE)

This course allows you to develop English language skills that are useful in an office or other business environments and make the most of career opportunities.

Private Lessons

Get the best grades with this course. It includes lessons for (Primary school pupils), (Middle school pupils) and (High school pupils).

About me


English teacher

TESOL and CELTA certified English teacher, accredited from the Cambridge University with over 7 years of experience. The founder, developer and CEO of Uns Class platform. English teacher at CEIL, Batna 1 University and Batna 2 University. Also, a PhD student in Computational Linguistics at University of Utah, USA. "For me teaching and tutoring people of different ages is what I have deeply held dear since forever"
Karima .B University teacher

"Mr. Mahmoudi is extremely professional, organized and patient in his approach to teaching. His experience along with providing effective learning tools, guides and materials are invaluable. Our lesson time is always well spent and productive. I very much look forward to many more lessons with him"

Amir .K Freelancer

"The best teacher ever he always provides you with more than what you expect. thanks to him I'm finally able to speak with my clients without using google translation lol! I started with him at a very low English level and came out with great progress."

Souha .A Medical student

"Perfect teacher. he helps with theory and practice. Mr. mahmoudi shares many tips and gives many enjoyable homeworks which I personally find very helpful. He is also a patient and very nice person. I consider him as the best teacher."

Hacen .T Inspector

"Très pedagogue et explique bien les mots et t'aide à bien pronocer. J'ai aimé le cours et je le recommande."

Nour .A CS studnet

"Nice teacher, very friendly, fun, and explains very well. He gives many tips and corrects mistakes all the time. I like his class very much"


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