S - Unit 8 - A2

English Conversation - Asking for advice - Giving advice

English Conversation - Asking for advice - Giving advice

Asking for Advice:

  1. "Can you give me some advice on...?"
  2. "I need your input on..."
  3. "What would you suggest I do about...?"
  4. "Do you have any recommendations for...?"
  5. "I'm not sure what to do in this situation, can you help?"
  6. "I'm facing a dilemma and could use your perspective."
  7. "I'm seeking guidance regarding..."
  8. "Could you offer some advice on how to handle...?"
  9. "What do you think I should do about...?"
  10. "I'm at a loss, can you offer any advice?"

Giving Advice:

  1. "If I were in your shoes, I would..."
  2. "Have you considered trying...?"
  3. "One option you could explore is..."
  4. "From my experience, I would recommend..."
  5. "It might be helpful to..."
  6. "In this situation, you could try..."
  7. "Have you thought about approaching it this way...?"
  8. "You might want to consider..."
  9. "I suggest that you..."
  10. "Based on what you've told me, I think you should..."

Remember, when giving advice, it's important to be empathetic, considerate, and respectful of the other person's feelings and perspective.