S - Unit 5 - A2

Talking about future

Expressions and phrases you can use in different situations to talk about the future using different forms:

  • I will call you later.
  • She will arrive at 9 o'clock tomorrow.
  • They will finish the project by next Friday.
  • We will definitely win the game.
  • He will probably forget to bring his umbrella.

Going to:
  • I'm going to start my new job next week.
  • She's going to travel to Europe next month.
  • They're going to buy a new car next year.
  • We're going to have dinner at that new restaurant tonight.
  • He's going to study abroad for a semester.

Present Continuous:
  • I'm meeting my friend for lunch tomorrow.
  • She's flying to Paris next week.
  • They're renovating their house next month.
  • We're attending a conference next Friday.
  • He's learning Spanish this summer.

Future Expressions:
  • Tomorrow, I am going to the gym.
  • Next year, we will travel to Japan.
  • In a few days, they are starting their new job.
  • By the end of the month, she will have completed her thesis.
  • Next week, he is getting married.

Predictions and Speculations:
  • I think it will rain tomorrow.
  • She's probably going to get the promotion.
  • They're likely to win the competition.
  • We might go skiing next winter.
  • He could become a famous musician someday.

Intentions and Plans:
  • I'm planning to visit my parents next weekend.
  • She intends to start her own business next year.
  • They're hoping to buy a house soon.
  • We're considering traveling to South America next summer.
  • He's thinking about studying medicine.

Remember to choose the appropriate form based on the context and your level of certainty about the future events.