L - Unit 8 - A2

Jessica Ennis 

I = Interviewer, J = Jessica Ennis 

Achievements and family 

I Nice to meet you, Jessica. Congratulations on your gold medal at the World Athletic Championships in Berlin. 

J Thank you very much. 

I You won in Berlin, but I know that just a couple of years ago you injured your ankle very badly. Were you worried that your sporting career was over? 

J Yes, I was very worried. I missed the Olympics in China and I had to work hard with physios and doctors for nine months - but now I'm fine. 

I You're obviously a very determined girl. 

J Yeah, my mum always said that from a young age I was very determined. I knew what I wanted. 

I Is your mum a big influence in your life? 

J Yes, she is. She works for a charity. She helps people with drug problems. You have to have a lot of patience for that. My mum's got that. My dad's a painter and decorator. He was born in Jamaica, -er he moved here when he was 13. 


I I can see your parents are important to you. I'm sure you have a good coach too. 

J Yes, Tony Minichiello. He's a really good coach, but we often fight, I ... 

I You fight? 

J Well, we do spend a lot of time together. He's always saying 'Come on, come on, you must be more aggressive,' and I'm not really like that. He says that I must only think about athletics, he didn't even want me to get a dog. 

I Did you get a dog? 

J Oh, yeah. I have a beautiful chocolate labrador, called Myla. 

I So, do you think that you should have other interests, not just athletics? 

J Yeah, but when I'm competing I go into my own little world. I don't see my boyfriend, I ... 

I You have a boyfriend?

J Yep, Andy. I only spoke to him once on the phone when I was in Berlin. I had to concentrate on competing. I know I won in Berlin, but I can still improve. I have to work on my long jump and javelin, and I know I can run more quickly. It's the small things that make a difference in the end.

I I hope you have time to feel proud of being world champion.

J Oh, yes. I keep my medal by my bed and when I look at it I think 'Oh my goodness, I won. I'm world champion'. Sometimes I can't believe it..

I It's a fantastic achievement. Well done and good luck in the next Olympics.

J Thank you.