L - Unit 6 - A2

Me and my family


Well, I'm very like my mum. We're interested in the same kind of things, and we can talk forever. We like the same films and the same books. I look like my mum, too. We have the same hair, the same eyes. And she's the same size as me, so I can wear her clothes! My sister's a bit older than me. Her name's Lena. We're quite different. She's very tidy, and I'm messy. She's much tidier than me. And she's very ambitious. She wants to be a doctor. I'm a lot lazier. I don't know what I want to do.


I'm not really like my mum or my dad, but I'm a twin. I've got a twin brother called Rob, and we look a lot like each other. He's just a bit darker than me. I've got blonder hair. His is more kind of fair.

But people are always mixing us up. People come up to me and say hello and start a conversation, and I have no idea who they are. It's quite funny. I just say 'Yeah!' or 'Really?' We're very similar in character. We both love art and theatre and books, but he's a bit moody and quiet. I'm a lot noisier. I guess he's quite shy. Oh, and I'm definitely cleverer than him!


People say I'm like my father. Hmm. Not sure about that. We do look the same. We're both quite tall, and I suppose our faces are similar. But my father's a very selfish man, and I hope I'm different from him. I hope I'm a bit kinder. He doesn't talk much. He isn't very cheerful. I'm a lot happier than him. He doesn't sound very nice, does he? He's OK, but there are things about him that I really don't like. I have a sister, Jenny, and we do everything together. I love her to bits. But she's prettier than me and thinner than me, so I hate her!