L - Unit 2 - A2

Getting on with your neighbours

Mrs Crumble

I have the flat above that young man. I think his name is Alfie Smith, because I see the postman delivering his letters. He never says hello.

He hasn’t got a job, well he doesn’t go out to work at 8.00 in the morning, and that’s for sure! He doesn't get up till the afternoon, and he wears jeans and a T-shirt all the time. He never looks smart. He certainly never wears a suit. Goodness knows where he gets his money from! It’s funny! I never hear him in the evening. I've no idea what he does in the evening.

There are people coming and going in and out of his flat all day long. I have no idea how many people are staying. Four? Five? Have none of them got jobs?

He's got a girlfriend. She’s very ... pretty. Blond hair, dyed. She’s living with him. I know a lot of young people live together these days, but I don’t like it, living together and not married. It’s not right.

He always makes such a noise! Listen! There he is now! Music! He's listening to music! Why can’t he turn it down? It’s so loud!

Young people these days have no manners, they live in their own world, and they just don’t care about other people. They don’t even notice old people like me. He probably doesn’t know who I am.


I’ve got this new flat. It’s so nice! I really love it. I’m having such a good time. The only thing is it’s below an old lady, and that’s a bit difficult. Her name’s Mrs Crumble. I always say hello when I see her, ‘How are you, Mrs Crumble?’, ‘Nice day, Mrs Crumble!’ and all that, but she never replies. She just looks at me. I think she’s deaf.

She probably thinks I’m unemployed because I don’t go out to work in the morning and I don’t wear a suit. I think I wear really cool clothes. Well, I’m a musician. I play the saxophone, and at the moment I’m playing in a jazz club. I don’t start till 8.00 at night, and I don’t finish till 2.00 in the morning, so I sleep from 3.00 till 11.00.

There’s only me living here, but my flat’s a bit busy at the moment because some of the other guys in the band are using it to keep their instruments in, so they’re always coming in and out.

I’ve got a lovely girlfriend, she’s the singer in the band. She’s so beautiful! She lives the other side of town, but obviously I see her every day because we work together. She comes to my place sometimes. I know I make a bit of noise, because I practice my saxophone. See what I mean? What can I do? I have to practice somewhere!

I know that old Mrs Crumble is always watching me. It’s sad because she has nothing to do. I feel sorry for her, and I’m always really kind to her like I am to my own grandmother, but she’s so suspicious of young people. She thinks we’re all no good and take drugs. It’s just not true! I work really hard!

Frank Sinatra - My Way


"My Way"

Birds flying high الطيور تحلق عاليا

You know how I feel أنت تعلم بم أشعر 

Sun in the sky الشمس فى السماء 

You know how I feel أنت تعلم بم أشعر 

Breeze driftin' on by نسيم يهب بالجوار 

You know how I feel أنت تعلم بم أشعر 

It's a new dawn إنه فجر جديد 

It's a new day إنه يوم جديد 

It's a new life إنها حياة جديدة 

For me بالنسبة لى 

And I'm feeling good و أشعر أنى أفضل 

Fish in the sea السمك فى البحر 

You know how I feel أنت تعلم بم أشعر 

River running free النهر يجرى بإنطلاق 

You know how I feel أنت تعلم بم أشعر 

Blossom in the tree الزهر فى الشجر 

You know how I feel أنت تعلم بم أشعر 

It's a new dawn إنه فجر جديد 

It's a new day إنه يوم جديد 

It's a new life إنها حياة جديدة 

For me بالنسبة لى 

And I'm feeling good و أشعر أنى أفضل 

Dragonfly out in the sun you know what I mean, اليعسوب فى الشمس، تعرف ماذا أعنى، 

Don't you know ألا تعرف 

Butterflies all havin' fun you know what I mean الفراشات يمرحون، تعرف ماذا أعنى 

Sleep in peace when the day is done, that's what I mean النوم فى سلام حينما ينتهى اليوم، تعرف ماذا أعنى 

And this old world is a new world و هذه الدنيا القديمة تكون دنيا جديدة 

And a bold world و دنيا واضحة 

For me بالنسبة لى 

Fooor me بالنسبة لى 

Stars when you shine النجوم حينما تضئ 

You know how I feel أنت تعلم بم أشعر 

Scent of the pine رائحة صنوبر 

You know how I feel أنت تعلم بم أشعر 

Yeah freedom is mine نعم أصبحت حر 

And I know how I feel و تعرف كيف أشعر 

It's a new dawn إنه فجر جديد 

It's a new day إنه يوم جديد 

It's a new life إنها حياة جديدة

It's a new dawn إنه فجر جديد 

It's a new day إنه يوم جديد 

It's a new life إنها حياة جديدة 

It's a new dawn إنه فجر جديد 

It's a new day إنه يوم جديد 

It's a new life إنها حياة جديدة 

It's a new life إنها حياة جديدة 

For me بالنسبة لى 

And I'm feeling good و أشعر أنى أفضل