L - Unit 12 - A2

At a crossroads

1 Jimmy's problem

J = Jimmy, A = Amy

J Amy, can I talk to you for a minute?

A Sure. What about?

J Well, I've got a bit of a problem. You know I'm in my first year at university. I'm really enjoying the course. I love what I'm doing, studying physics, but ... 

A I was waiting for a but!

J Yes, you're right! But I'm also in a band. There are three of us, and we've been playing together for a couple of years, and we've just got a recording contract, which is something we've been trying to get for ages. 

A And you can't do both. Is that it?

J Absolutely! The other guys want me to drop out of university. If the record was a success, we'd go on tour. We might go to Europe for three months, or we might even go to America! That would be amazing! 

A But if you dropped out of university and the band wasn't a success, then what would you do?

J Exactly! That's the problem! But if I didn't give the band a chance, I'd regret it for the rest of my life! This is our one big chance! 

A But if the band didn't work, you wouldn't have a career.

J And my parents would go crazy! Amy! Help me! What do I do?

A Well, I think you should try with the band. If it doesn't work, it's not the end of the world. You could always go back to university. And you might hit the big time in the music business!

2 Fiona's problem

F= Fiona, J = Jenny

F Jenny! You've got to help me!

J What is it? Are you all right?

F Yes, I'm fine, but I'm having terrible boyfriend trouble.

J What, with Sam? I thought you two were fine?

F We are, sort of. I'm very fond of Sam. We've been going out for over a year, and we do things together, but ...

J But, but...

F But... I've met this guy at work, and he's asked me out, and I don't know what to do!

J Wow! This is sudden!

F Well, not really. The thing is, everyone thinks that Sam and I are a couple and we're going to get married. But for me, Sam is more like a brother! I can't marry him! If I married Sam, I'd be so unhappy! But if I broke up with him, he would be heart-broken! I don't know what he'd do.

J But it sounds like you have to say something. If you don't tell him now, it might be worse later. Who's this man at work?

F Well, he's really lovely. His name's Harry. He's my age, and he's very good-looking. We work together, and it's such fun! He really makes me laugh. He isn't pushing me to go out with him, but ...

J But you'd really like to. I know.

F And if I don't say anything to him, he might think I don't like him. So what do I do?

J Well, if I were you, I wouldn't say anything to this guy at work yet. Be nice to him, but don't encourage him.

F But he might go out with another girl!

J If he started going out with another girl, then you'd know what sort of man he was. If he likes you, he'll wait. But you have to talk to Sam first.