L - Unit 11 - A2

I haven't seen you for ages!

Mike's news

S = Sophie, M = Mike

S Mike! I'm over here!

M Sophie! You look great! You haven't changed a bit.

S Oh, I don't know. It's been over ten years. I'm definitely older if not wiser.

M Well, you look just the same to me. Come on! We've got over ten years to catch up on and not a lot of time! My plane leaves at 7.00 this evening.

S Tell me about you first. How long have you been working in Madrid? What are you doing there?

M Well, I work for a big international IT company and at the moment I'm based in Madrid. I've been there about eighteen months now.

S Wow, that sounds important. Are you enjoying it?

M Yeah, very much. But there's a chance that I'll have to move to Germany in three months. That's where the headquarters are.

S That sounds interesting too.

M Yeah, but I have a Spanish girlfriend now.

S Ah, I see. What's her name?

M Rosa. You'd like her - she's great fun. We've been going out nearly a year now.

S Whoah! That sounds serious. Does she speak English?

M Oh, yes. Her English is much better than my Spanish. I started going to Spanish lessons six months ago but I still find Spanish pronunciation's really difficult.

S I know.

M Oh, yeah you studied languages, didn't you?

S Yes, I studied French and German at university but I've also been trying learn Swedish for the last few years.

M Swedish! Why? Come on, now it's your turn Sophie. Tell me about you.

Sophie's news

S=Sophie, M = Mike

M Tell me about you.

S Well, I got married a year ago to a Swedish guy. Ragnar, Ragnar Hansson.

M Where did you meet him?

S We met while I was working in Stockholm.

M What were you doing there?

S Well, after university I studied fashion design and my first job was in Sweden, as a buyer for H&M Fashion.

M Really! How long did you do that?

S I worked there for over three years. Ragnar was my boss.

M Ah, did you get married in Sweden?

S Yes, we did. My parents came over for the wedding.

M And do you still work in Sweden?

S No, we don't. We've both got new jobs in the UK.

M How long have you been back?

S About ten months. We've been trying to buy a flat since we got back.

M So, where have you been living?

S With my parents. They're lovely, but it's not great and we're expecting a baby next April, so we really need a place of our own.

M Oh, congratulations! I hope you find somewhere soon. Oh, look at the time, I'll have to rush to catch my plane.

S Bye, Mike. It's been great seeing you again. Let's keep in touch from now on.

M Yeah, it's been great. Maybe next time you can meet Rosa and I can meet Ragnar.