W - Unit 1 - A2

Writing a Descriptive Paragraph



By the end of this lesson, you will be able to compose a well-structured and vivid descriptive paragraph that engages the reader's senses.


A descriptive paragraph is a piece of writing that paints a vivid picture using words. It aims to create a sensory experience for the reader, allowing them to visualize, hear, smell, taste, and feel the subject. Whether you are describing a person, place, object, or event, effective descriptive writing brings your subject to life.

Key Components of a Descriptive Paragraph:

Clear Topic Sentence:

Begin with a strong topic sentence that introduces the main idea of your paragraph. This sentence sets the tone and direction for the entire description.


Sensory Details:

Engage the reader's senses by incorporating vivid and specific details. Describe how the subject looks, sounds, smells, tastes, and feels. Appeal to all the senses to create a rich and immersive experience.


Use of Figurative Language:

Enhance your descriptive writing by incorporating similes, metaphors, and other forms of figurative language. This adds depth and creativity to your description.


Organized Structure:

Organize your paragraph in a logical and coherent manner. You may choose to describe the subject spatially, chronologically, or in order of importance. Make sure there is a smooth flow from one detail to the next.


Varied Sentence Structure:

Avoid monotony by varying your sentence structure. Use a mix of short, punchy sentences and longer, more complex ones. This adds rhythm to your writing and keeps the reader engaged.


Show, Don't Tell:

Instead of simply stating facts, show the reader through descriptive language. Let them experience the subject through your words, creating a more immersive and engaging narrative.


Guided Practice: Writing a Descriptive Paragraph

Topic: A Favorite Place

Think about a place that holds special significance for you. It could be a room in your house, a park, a beach, or any location that evokes strong emotions or memories.



Make a list of sensory details associated with your chosen place. What do you see, hear, smell, taste, and feel when you're there?



Create a brief outline to organize your thoughts. Decide on the order in which you will present your details.



Write your descriptive paragraph, focusing on bringing the place to life through vivid language. Pay attention to your use of sensory details, figurative language, and sentence structure.


Peer Review:

Exchange paragraphs with a peer and provide constructive feedback. Look for strengths in sensory details, organization, and creativity.



Descriptive writing is a powerful tool that allows writers to transport their readers to different worlds. By mastering the art of creating vivid and immersive descriptions, you can captivate your audience and make your writing more memorable and impactful. Keep practicing, and soon you'll find yourself painting pictures with words effortlessly.

Sample Descriptive Paragraph about My Best Friend:


My best friend, Emily, is a burst of sunshine in human form. With golden curls that dance in the sunlight and eyes that sparkle with mischief, she radiates an infectious energy that lights up any room. Standing at a petite height, Emily's laughter is the melody that accompanies our shared adventures. Her sense of style is a canvas of colors and patterns, a reflection of her vibrant personality. Yet, it's not just her appearance that makes Emily extraordinary; it's the way she effortlessly weaves kindness into every interaction. Whether sharing late-night secrets or embarking on spontaneous road trips, Emily's adventurous spirit is the glue that binds our friendship. Together, we've navigated the rollercoaster of life, creating a collage of memories that range from tearful heart-to-hearts to fits of uncontrollable laughter. When I think of Emily, I'm reminded not only of the fun we've had but also of the unwavering support she provides. In her presence, challenges seem conquerable, and successes are sweeter. Emily is more than a friend; she's a confidante, a partner in crime, and a source of endless inspiration. Our friendship is a tapestry woven with threads of trust, shared dreams, and the understanding that some bonds are destined to last a lifetime.

List of vocabulary and phrases you can use to describe a person:

Physical Appearance:

Facial Features:

  • happy face
  • big eyes
  • small nose
  • smiling mouth
  • long hair
  • short hair
  • round face

Clothing and Style:

  • casual clothes
  • colorful shirt
  • comfortable jeans
  • stylish shoes
  • pretty dress
  • cool hat
  • neat jacket

Personality Traits:

Positive Traits:

  • friendly
  • kind
  • helpful
  • funny
  • smart
  • happy
  • Polite

Emotional Traits:

  • caring
  • understanding
  • patient
  • calm
  • honest
  • reliable
  • Responsible

Behavior and Habits:

Social Traits:

  • talkative
  • good listener
  • likes meeting people
  • enjoys parties
  • loves friends
  • enjoys sharing
  • works well in a team


  • likes reading
  • enjoys sports
  • watches movies
  • plays games
  • loves cooking
  • likes walking
  • enjoys music


Overall Impressions:


  • has a nice smile
  • makes people happy
  • easy to be around
  • always friendly
  • a joy to talk to
  • brings positive energy
  • has a good sense of humor

Overall Characterization:

  • a good friend
  • a nice person
  • someone you can trust
  • fun to be with
  • a positive influence
  • makes you feel comfortable
  • a great companion