L - Unit 1 - A2

My oldest friend

1 Kenny talking to Judy

J = Judy K = Kenny

J Kenny, I see you have more than 300 friends

on Facebook!

K Amazing, isn’t it? I don’t know how it

happened. I think it’s because my job takes

me all over the world and I make friends

wherever I go.

J I travel too, but I don’t have that many


K Come on Judy. I’m your friend, that’s one

friend at least!

J But what about close friends? How many of

the 300 are close?

K I have no idea.

J No idea? More than ten? More than twenty?

K Er, probably no more than ten really close


J So, who’s your oldest friend?

K That’s easy. Pete’s my oldest friend – since we

were both 16, and he came to my school. He

lives in Canada now. But he was best man at

my wedding and I was best man at his.

J How often do you see him?

K Not often. Maybe once or twice a year. I went

over to Canada last year when his son was

born. Do you know, he named him Ken after


J Hey, that’s lovely! You and Pete are really

good friends, aren’t you?

K Yeah!

J Why do you think that is?

K It’s our love of football!

J Don’t tell me, he supports Liverpool too!

K Of course. Best team in the world. No,

seriously the best thing about Pete is that

maybe we don’t see each other for months,

even years, but when we get together

immediately we’re talking …

J … about football

K No, about all kinds of things. Our families

mainly. He’s a great guy. 

2 Damian talking to Toby

T = Toby D = Damian 

T Am I your best friend?

D No, silly, you’re my brother!

T I’m not silly. Can’t I be your best friend?

D No, you can’t. No one’s best friends with his


T But I don’t have many friends.

D That’s your problem. Look, I’m going to meet

Thomas and the gang now.

T Is Thomas your best friend?

D No.

T Is he your oldest friend?

D No. Zac’s my oldest friend. You know that –

since we sat next to each other in Class 1. Zac

and me are going to travel the world together

when we finish school.

T Can I come?

D NO,YOU CAN’T! Just shut …

T Well, can Thomas be my friend?

D Toby, be quiet about friends! You are so

boring, I’m not surprised you have no friends.

T But can I …?

D No, no, no! I’m off. See you!

T But … 

3 Katie talking to Beth

B = Beth   K = Katie 

B Katie, you’re lucky, you have so many friends!

K Mmm, I suppose so. I do have quite a lot.

B Why do think that is?

K Well, I’m not sure, I think I kind of collect

friends. I have friends from all different times

in my life. You know school, university, and

now at work, and I keep my friends.

B So, who’s your oldest friend?

K You are, of course! You and me, Beth, we’re

the same age, 24, and you could say we met

before we were born. 

B I suppose you’re right …

K Yeah, our mums met when they were …

B I know they met at the hospital when they

went for check-ups before we were born.

K Yeah, and we were born on the same day.

B I know, but I’m ten hours older than you!

K That’s why you’re wiser than me! You’re my

oldest and my best friend. You’re like a sister

to me.